First Unique combination of stabilized Vitamin C, Sorbitol and Electrolytes in Liquid State

AVI Vita C is a liquid complementary feed supplement for additional vitamin supply and better performance of the liver and kidney. The unique combination of ingredients further ensures improved FCR, combating micro toxins, greater eggshell quality, and hatchability. Supplementing AVI Vita C in water makes its administration simple and easy to practice on farm level.

Packaging: 1 Litre Bottle

  1. Control electrolyte deficiency in hot weather.
  2. Improves fertility and hatchability in breeders.
  3. Improves the immunity of animals against disease.
  4. Protect animals from hot and humid weather stress.
  5. Decreases antibiotic and vaccination stress and improve their efficacy.
  6. Improves FCR in broilers, egg production, and eggshell quality in layers and Breeders.
  7. Protect and improve liver and renal functioning by combating micro toxins in extreme weather and in disease conditions.
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